Cool guitar of the week! Killer Exploder II Made In Japan. This guitar made famous by one of my favorite guitar players, Akira Takasaki from the band Loudness. I believe Akira is
Cool guitar of the week! Killer Exploder II Made In Japan. This guitar made famous by one of my favorite guitar players, Akira Takasaki from the band Loudness. I believe Akira is,即納可能】Killer(キラー) KG-ExploderⅡ /PW GWS - 【ESP直営】BIGBOSS オンラインマーケット(ギター&ベース),即納可能】Killer (キラー) KG-Fascist Vice II【Metallic Blue】福岡店 - 【ESP直営】BIGBOSS オンラインマーケット(ギター&ベース),即納可能】Killer(キラー) KG-ExploderⅡ /PW GWS - 【ESP直営】BIGBOSS オンラインマーケット(ギター&ベース),Killer Guitars KG-Prime 21 the spirit See-through cardinal red (black parts) [AKIRA TAKASAKI Signature Model]|ミュージックランドKEY