The Morphologies of the Semiconductor Oxides and Their Gas-Sensing Properties
The Morphologies of the Semiconductor Oxides and Their Gas-Sensing Properties,Arrangement of Agricultural Reservoir Along Rill Erosion: Case Study in the Sumbing Volcanic Landscape, Java, Indonesia - Jihan Dwi Islami, Nur Ainun Harlin Jennie Pulungan, Junun Sartohadi, 2024,Arrangement of Agricultural Reservoir Along Rill Erosion: Case Study in the Sumbing Volcanic Landscape, Java, Indonesia,Metal Oxide Semiconductor Nanostructure Gas Sensors with Different Morphologies,Nephelauxetic effect and metal-to-metal charge transfer in solids doped with Tl+, Sn2+, Pb2+ or Sb3+ - ScienceDirect