Vincenzo Mirabella『Pianta delle antiche Siracuse』限定1000部 16-17世紀イタリアシラクサ市街絵図集 西洋古地図 シラクーザ : ホーム&キッチン, Vincenzo Mirabella『Pianta delle antiche Siracuse』限定1000部 16-17世紀イタリアシラクサ市街絵図集 西洋古地図 シラクーザ : Home & Kitchen,Mirabella Alagona, Vincenzo - Declarations of the plan of ancient Syracuse and of some selected medals of them and of the princes that they possessed. 1613 | Books, Autographs & Prints |,1897 ARCHITECTURE Antique Print. ITALIAN RENAISSANCE Architecture. Architectural Wallart. Architect Gift. 127 Years Old Print. - Etsy,28KB