Assembly of three new triphenylamine functionalized MOFs for the fluorescent sensing of nitrobenzene - ScienceDirect
Assembly of three new triphenylamine functionalized MOFs for the fluorescent sensing of nitrobenzene - ScienceDirect,DX Soul of Chogokin Mazinger Z 50th Anniversary Ver. Figure,Recent development of organic small-molecule and nanomaterial fluorescent probes for hydrazine - ScienceDirect,Sensitive hydrazine detection and quantification with a fluorescent benzothiadiazole sensor: selective lipid droplets and in vivo imaging - Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry (RSC Publishing) DOI:10.1039/D3OB00007A,A Review on Recent Development of Phenothiazine-Based Chromogenic and Fluorogenic Sensors for the Detection of Cations, Anions, and Neutral Analytes | Topics in Current Chemistry